This is the "Ancient Mew" card given away at a movie promo. It features 3 eyes, and what appears to be an eye of providence with more pyramids to the other side. There also appears to be one of the devil-like pitch fork images near the top left of the card.
Not only in the map in Pokémon X/Y designed at a sloppy pentagram... but there is a hidden "G" on the docks which represents Freemasonry.
Pokémon the anime... I think Jigglypuff drew on a bunch of Wartortle and Squirtle... one of them features a sun-like eye.
Pokémon aired on Nickelodeon.. which featured this clip played during commercial brea
Ghetsis of Pokémon... has Baphomet like hair and has one eye covered. There are 6 blue rubies showing around his neck.
And finally there is this... a mention of the "New World Order"...